The AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid provides financial assistance to graduate students (currently enrolled in Masters or Ph.D. programs) whose thesis research has application to the search for and development of petroleum and energy-mineral resources, and/or to related environmental geology issues. Grants are based on merit and, in part, on the financial needs of the applicant.
助研金金额: US$500 to US$3,000
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Scholarships encourage the study of geophysics and related geosciences in universities around the world. Focused on attracting the best and brightest high school and college students, they are intended to recognize those students who have demonstrated outstanding academic merit and commitment to the study of a career in geophysics and related geosciences.
助研金金额: US$500 to US$10,000,平均US$3200
THE SOCIETY OF PETROPHYSICISTS AND WELL LOG ANALYSTS FOUNDATION was established in 1986 to administer scholarship and grant funds in furtherance of the educational purposes of the Society. Sources of these funds include the SPWLA and its regional chapters, companies and individuals engaged or interested in formation evaluation, and memorial endowments. Scholarship awards are awarded to eligible and qualified student applicants to assist in supporting college or university educational expenses. Scholarship awards are awarded to eligible and qualified college or university student or faculty applicants to assist in supporting college or university research studies and special projects. Scholarship awards to recipients range from $1,000 and up in increments of $500 per academic year and may be sought and continued through competitive application and award each year subject to the recipients scholastic standing, continued pursuit of the planned course of study and career objectives and need for financial assistance. Scholarship awards may be made in increments or at the actual cost amount associated with each application.
助研金金额: US$500 to US$1,000