A toothache, tooth crown it’s sharp or a persistent ache that won’t go away, is an indicator of a dental problem. And it’s important to address it right away because the pain doesn’t usually subside on its own. Left untreated, the pain can exacerbate and may lead to a more serious issue such as a gum disease or an abscess (infection in the center of the tooth).
Tooth pain generally occurs when a person bites something too hard, chews ice, eats hot or cold foods, or a sinus infection drains into a tooth or jaw. The pain is a signal that the nerve inside the tooth is irritated. It doesn’t always mean that a tooth has a cavity, but it can indicate one if the pain is chronic or is associated with other symptoms such as a fever and/or rash.
How to Get Relief from a Toothache: Home Remedies and Treatment
A person can get some relief from a toothache by rinsing the mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash that contains alcohol. This helps to disinfect the area and numb the pain. Also, a person can apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth to the painful area. Another home remedy involves placing a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and applying it to the painful area. A person can also suck on a whole clove for relief. This is effective because thymol, the main component of clove oil, has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It can also reduce inflammation and swelling around a painful tooth.